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Fifth Avenue board game

by : Rio Grande Games

Fifth Avenue board game

£29.99 £21.99  In Stock with FREE UK delivery
despatched same / next working day by Royal Mail
or courier estimated delivery*: 1-3 days UK

(*excluding Sunday & public holidays, Christmas post may extend delivery times)

players 2 - 4, ages 12+, 60 - 100 minutes designer(s) : artist(s) :
[barcode 655132002431, BGC stock id 834]

Description of Fifth Avenue board game

Building in New York City is booming and everyone wants to get in on the new fad - building that touch the sky: skyscrapers! Players compete to build their sky scrapers in the best locations, but what is a good location? One with shopping - and the more shopping, the better!

Players always have more to do than they may in this exciting game of building and bidding. Players place businesses, acquire building materials, and get bidding cards so they can later bid on the building spaces. When a player wins a bid, he erects his sky scrapers immediately! Building commissioners move about the city, deciding where building should be built and giving awards to players with good locations.

Contents of Fifth Avenue board game

game board, 110 cards, 2 figures, 6 markers, 72 skyscrapers, 36 businesses, 2 building stop tiles, 4 summary cards, rules booklet

copyright Maddison Games Ltd. 2003-2023